Storage stability of dried tomato slice

Sarafadeen Shittu Kolawole, M Isiaka


Abstract: Unlike fresh farm produce, processed fruits and vegetables such as sun dried tomatoes can be categorized as ambient temperature shelf stable products. However, large quantities of these products yet easily go bad most especially when the appropriate conditions for their storage are not offered. To minimize these losses, it is important to know and exploit the optimum environmental conditions and moisture content range for the storage of the products. The present study through systematic theoretical assertions employed by other researchers on other crops seeks to establish the storage stability of dried tomato slice at three probable temperatures of 10, 30 and 45°C. Results showed that in this temperature range, upper limit moisture content varied between 6%-7.5% and 6.5%-8.3% d.b. for adsorption and desorption, respectively. The corresponding lower limit moisture contents varied between 4.29%-5.52% and 5.15%-6.29% d.b. In order to minimize moisture migration into or out of dried tomato slice during storage, the study revealed that the product should be stored within 29%-62% relative humidity.
Keywords: dried tomato, storage stability, moisture content, humidity, temperature
DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20130604.012

Citation: Shittu S K, Isiaka M. Storage stability of dried tomato slice. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2013; 6(4): 104-110.


dried tomato, storage stability, moisture content, humidity, temperature

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